Ayes HK
Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Development
Campaign Planning  /  NFT  /  UX / UI Design Development  /  Discord management  /  Media Planning  /  Integrated Marketing Planning

Our client, Ayes, had the idea to create an NFT project to celebrate the power of collaboration in creativity. The name of the project was “We”, which culminated in the creation of an NFT art work collectively created by a total of 12 local designers. We helped to develop a campaign website to illustrate the idea and to promote the special privileges available to the potential owners who are then able to purchase the NFTs through the website.

We also helped our client to manage and cultivate a Discord community of individual creators to share ideas about art and design.
Our solution
  • Creative campaign planning
  • Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
  • UI & UX development 
  • Media pitching
  • Discord management


Browse more projects
Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Development
Website Development / NFT / Art generation / Consultation
Art Exhibition
Integrated Marketing Planning / Interactive installation / Public relation
Interactive Offline Event
UX / UI Design Development / Web app / Interactive installation
The shopping process preview of King Fook online store with laptop and mobile views
King Fook E-Shop
E-commerce / Website Development / Jewellery